Going on Sabatical

So I have been getting ready for an Appellate Advocacy competition in New York next week. It is the National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition. For some reason my family and some friends like to call this Mortar Board, yes they aren't dumb, they just like giving me a hard time. Anyway my teamates and I had to write a brief and we have been practicing our oral arguments a lot. I think we are all a little burnt out by the process. But we have to hunker down and do this. (Plus I think they are both tired of dealing with me!)

Somedays, many days, I wonder "why did I go to law school?" I really don't like conflict and now I am training to enter a profession that deals with constant conflict? Guess I should have thought about this a couple of years ago. But then some days I really like what I am doing, so who knows. I never had dreams as a kid of going to law school, I wanted to be an architect. Although Granny informed me the other night she knew I would make a good lawyer, because when I was about six or so she whipped me for crossing the road and I was doing my best to talk her out of it. I got a lot of whippings as a child. Imagine that? In fact there is a bathroom at my home church that I still don't like to go in. Somehow I managed to get many whippings and talking toos in there.

Actually my mom told me that she first tried to do that "stand with your nose in the corner" punishment. I would just do whatever it is I was going to do and then tell her I did it and say "okay I will go stand in the corner now." Obviously I had learned the art of weighing the consequences at an early age. I was a peculiar child. I also had three imaginary friends, Nanjy, Tanjy, and Lanjy. Creative? They were around for a long time, and my parents went with this. In fact the day that they left I was in the backseat and I told mom that they needed to be taken home. I told her what streets to turn on and SHE DID IT. We let them out and they never came back. So I blame half my peculiarities on the fact that my parentals went with them.

Anyway I say all that to tell you people that I might not be able to blog next week, actually Wed. - Monday. I know I update this thing a lot and write a lot of posts, but I will be back! Don't give up on me. And if you think about it, say a prayer for our team, actually just pray I don't embarrass myself. No seriously just picture Rose and Sadie from Big Business going up to save Jupiter Hollow from mean old Moramax. Sssseee ssseee folks.....


Lauren said…
Katie, I LOVE hearing about people's imaginary friends. Mary Ashley had two named Johnson and Johnson (love the creativity). Finally one died in the Gulf War and then the other died of chicken pox or something like that. Hilarious! I would like to do a study on kids who have imaginary friends. I never had any. I guess I was too boring!
Emily Chappell said…
I am curious to know where your friends lived. Do you know Sandi White? She is my sister-in-law and her imaginary friend finally got left at the beach on their family vacation. I never had one... I feel like I'm missing out!
Anonymous said…
Pork Chop,

It has been my pleasure to be part of mortar board with you. I hope you aren’t tired of us yet, we have a little more to go. I think JC and MB think we are crazy. Especially when I get the giggles about your Dorothy Hammil hair. My mom thinks you are too cute. (her words) I told you she would think we were great. Maybe we will get panels of men. I said Veteran the whole way home so I will know how to say it. =)
meredith said…
Break a leg next week! I'm sure y'all will do well up thar in the big city (imagine southern accent)! Can't wait to hear all about it! If you have time and are looking for some good pizza, Big Nick's on the Upper West Side is the best (72nd & Broadway)!
Have fun!


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