
I meant to write a new post last night, but I got caught up writing a paper for my Faith and the Law class. This class really made me think of so many things, and problems that come along with practicing the law. One girl very assuredly pronounced at the beginning of the class that she was "called" to be a lawyer. I have struggled all semester with this idea of calling.

A friend of mine gave me this great book about being called, and it has really opened my eyes. Actually I have been doing a lot of praying about this topic, and had an incredible experience several weeks ago. I do not want to tell you all, because I may not get the job. I will say this, I couldn't have written a better job description for myself at this point in life.

So, all semester I was totally committed to writing about being called. Yet, Monday night while I was at the gym, I was listening to this old sermon by a former pastor entitled "Blessed are the Merciful." Add that to the fact that a friend of mine had already written on calling, I decided to write on the topic "How are we to be merciful lawyers?" I realize the bad lawyer jokes are about to begin, but I think it is possible.

I finally finished it up late last night, and now I have to get back to my writing requirement. "China, Religion, Olympics." For whatever reason I have had this religious theme going on in my writing this semester. I am not totally sure I know what that is completely about. However, I am reflecting on this.

I tell you all of that, so that you know I had a little writer's block this morning when I was going to write a new post. I guess my message is, you might have a well formulated plan, but it might not be what God has in mind. You never know where God will lead you, and that my friends is a blessing.


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