Thank You

Thank you for all of the prayers and support last week. The Bar Exam is over with. I have not fully processed that it is over with, and now we have to wait until mid to late September to find out the results. I promise to write a future post reflecting upon the characters that I met during the exam. On Wednesday afternoon I kept thinking, "Is the show 'You are on candid camera' going to jump out and surprise me?" No camera ever appeared. Honestly, they were all really sweet people, but funny.

It is so strange to finally be done, and it is hard to not to keep thinking "did I pass or not?" I kept praying, let me have faith to know that I have studied and to be confident in answering questions. Last Sunday our minister prayed for all of those taking the bar exam to "not let a test define you, but rather let God define you." I kept repeating that prayer to myself this week. I realized that the truth is, any of us could insert many things for test. For instance some people may need to pray for their "job" not to define you, or your "accomplishments" define you, or your "whatever you need to insert" define you.

One of my calenders this month has this quote: You don't need "things" to be great. You don't have to have the perfect clothes, or the newest haircut, or the right CDs. You don't have to know the right thing to say all the time. Just be yourself and believe in your most amazing hopes and dreams. Strive for excellence and don't get frustrated if you make mistakes. Make good friends and be true to yourself - that's what's important. You don't need a long list of accomplishments to be great - you already are.

Let me just say, I can get caught up in many and/or all of these things at times. Not only do I listen to others and care what they think about me, I can determine the same things about other people based on this list. I am guessing that many of you may feel the same way at times, and do the same thing at times. The world sets you up for this, be it in tests, in jobs, in parenting, in sports, in architecture for that matter. God does not. And Godly friendships and relationships do not evolve around any of these measures of self worth that the world has created.

Accomplishments are good for paper, but if you can't perform, what good are they? Seriously, how many times have people sounded good on paper but they weren't great workers? Or how many times do you look at people's clothes and think, I am not going to like them. And I must admit that I judge people on their taste in music. I am a music snob, I admit it.

For me, this quote was a cool breathe of fresh air to me and a reminder that I love variety in life. I want the people around me to be a plethora of varieties, sort of like a really great food buffet line. Jesus didn't just hang out with just the disciples, and just people that looked and did everything just like him. He loved those sinners and tax collectors!

So people, get yourself a new tray in this buffet of life and lets go out and enjoy all the various creatures that God has created! Its almost five, and the early bird special should be available, see you there!


Anonymous said…
This is quite a lesson. I got my tray.Mom

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