Do you have a sense of humor?

Recently I was having a conversation with my grandmother discussing a woman in her church who is extremely serious about everything. This lady does not believe in laughing, smiling, joking around, or fun in any respect. Even at the church social gatherings she doesn't find it appropriate to laugh with other people.

I said "well, I just have to believe that God has a sense of humor." And Granny said, "Well, I think that Jesus must have been a fun loving person, who loved to laugh and have a good time. He knew there were times for seriousness, but he had to be fun." I thought this was really interesting and I asked her to explain. She said "how many people do you know that are serious and not fun, but have a lot of people that follow them around? Or a lot of friends? Really, who would ever want to be around a person all the time that doesn't know how to laugh." I have been reflecting on this for a couple of weeks, and have even polled some people I know about this idea. One friend said "Why do you think he was always around the sinners? The tax collectors, and women of poor reputation?" I said "I don't know" and she said "BECAUSE THEY TELL THE BEST JOKES."

Now I realize that some of you are thinking, "wow this is sacrilegious." But just think about this for a minute. Have you ever worked with homeless people? Or the poor? Or just listened to people that are struggling to find their way? Or maybe you are struggling to find your way? Being able to make people laugh or at least make them comfortable to be around you makes your "ministry" to them better. And on the flip side, when I am talking to someone about my own faith I like for them to be real and laugh at things and know when the time for seriousness arises.

I truly believe the God has a sense of humor, and Jesus really must have been a fun person to be around. Granny said "if you don't think God has a sense of humor, then you need to look in the mirror." Of course she was only kidding, but there is a lot of truth in her thoughts. I am not advocating that we should never be serious about our faith and our lives, but if we gave into it life could always be really serious. However, if we are constantly serious we may miss the opportunities for true service, to truly make people feel comfortable and welcome in our Christian communities.


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