Leftovers...the story of my life

It is Sunday afternoon and I am in the law library, I live an exciting life. Some first year student is in my favorite spot, so I had to come to my second favorite spot. I guess as a third year I should have the ability to go and let him know he is in my spot, kind of like old people at church. But I decided not to today, maybe he will leave in a little while. Most first years only come to the library this early in the semester to be seen, to try and freak people out and act like they are ahead of the game. They aren't, trust me.

So why am I here? Actually I am taking the Ethics Bar next weekend. Yes people, there is a separate bar exam for ethics, believe it or not. Studying ethics stresses me out, you realize the duty you will owe to people who aren't even your clients, once you gain admission to the bar. They don't tell you all of this your first year of law school, and quite frankly I don't think this stresses most people out. Its just that I suddenly realize the complexity of what I am getting myself into. It makes me have the "I don't want to be a lawyer" thought a lot more frequently.

Anyway today I was deciding what to have for lunch. Know what I ate? You guessed it, leftovers. Crab meat tortellini and fifteen bean soup with sausage might not sound like an appetizing combination, but when you live on a student budget, its delicious. Actually two meats in one meal, that's a big deal in my life! Honestly though when I sat down to eat, all I could think, leftovers...the story of my life. This isn't just about food, its about many things.

I always had dresses that were this cousins or that cousins. In fact there is a picture from my oldest cousin's wedding and another cousin, we will call her AB, had on this little dress. Three years later at another wedding a picture was taken, and guess who had on that same little dress, that's right, me! Yes, most folks call those hand-me-downs, but I call them leftovers. I even had leftover Barbie doll houses. I had something like 32 Barbie dolls, and I played with them until an age that I dare not to mention. You people would never let me live that down, but I loved Barbies. My dad built me several houses, but I had some leftover ones as well.

Granny said to me this week, "want it be nice when you are getting a pay check and you want have to have leftovers anymore." I thought about this for a minute and I said "you know I think I will always have leftovers." Some of the best things in life are leftovers. I have a bunch of t-shirts that older cousins gave me when they graduated college. These are the best t-shirts EVER, simply because they are already soft, but they are leftovers. And I dare say that pizza is really better the second time around, especially in the morning, again leftovers.

And what about hearts, people to love? What, do you give up on widows, widowers, divorcees, people getting out of long relationships, simply because they are leftovers? How unfair is that? Or what about people that weren't chosen for this job, or that school, they go somewhere and do something, leftovers. Face it, there has been a time in all our lives that we were leftovers at something or to someone. So, no, I am not looking forward to a life without leftovers, I am going to always embrace leftovers, they are simply some of the treasures of life!


Anonymous said…
You must always remember Katie B. Regardless of the leftovers that every single one of us receive on earth, you alone were chosen, before the beginning of time to be a daughter of the King. Your name was specifically written in the Lambs Book. No 27 dresses, no leftovers, He picked you, because He loves you. Besides some of my best meals have come courtesy of PB leftovers!!!
michelle said…
very thought provoking...Thanks Katie!
Anonymous said…
On a lighter note, I too played Barbies until an age I refuse to mention...


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