In the Shelter

I think I have told you all before about Grace Place, the homeless shelter at the church where I work. Remember my friend that is about to become a rapper? Underground Genius? Well, I haven't seen him lately. The last time I saw him he was not in a good place and he told me the demons were back in his head. Michael, one of the guys that works in Grace Place said that he was like that the last time he saw him as well. Oh, and I think I told you about 'The Preacher" who tested me that one day. Well, my point is that the lady who runs Grace Place has started a blog. She is going to write the stories of these people. You should check it out here and I will also put a link over on the side entitled "In the Shelter" - you need to read this stuff.


Anonymous said…
Very interesting info. Reminded me of the movie The Soloist.

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