A Lawyer In Every Classroom

The Bar Association has a program called "A Lawyer in Every Classroom." Lawyers from all across the state volunteer their time to go and speak to students about whatever topic the school or teacher chooses. So, I asked my boss if it was okay if I volunteered. He gave me this long speech about how I needed to do this and what a great thing it was for education. He even told me that when he was younger he volunteered to go talk to the local high school on law day, and it was a real prestigious thing to do.

So, I volunteered. For weeks now I have been thinking about what great things I would talk about. Maybe the First Amendment, or the status of gun control laws and how that affects schools, or maybe even the founding fathers and what they may think about our system of government today. I really wanted my speech to be inspiring, to get people to take their education seriously, and to stay in school. To say that I had some lofty goals was quite an understatement.

I have been patiently waiting on my assignment for weeks. And in the mail today I finally received it. I will be speaking to four Kindergarten classes. You read that right, I am going to talk about law to 5 year olds. I opened the letter in front of my boss, and one of the Court Reporters. They tried not to laugh at me! I kept saying, "they can't even read the material that was provided!"

The Judge tried to make me feel better and told me to volunteer to talk to the entire elementary school. I told him that although I feel like the assignment committee didn't have a lot of confidence in my ability, I think a group of 60, 5 year olds was probably about all I can handle - especially with my history of teaching Sunday School to this age group. Until then I will be trying to figure out which candy I am going to hand out and get my mom to get her teacher hat on in helping me come up with props. I am chalking this up as a lesson to not get to thinking too much of yourself...


alissa said…
remember to avoid the hot button issues of adultery and lesbians. =) we are missing you.
Anonymous said…
I do believe your mom can give you a few ideas.

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