Partridge in a Pear Tree, or something like that....
I was a little lax on the Advent blogging (per my last blog) - I will blame it on my job. However, I decided that I could do the twelve days of Christmas. I mean, there are only twelve days, I think I can handle that.
Well, I am not. I am embarrassed of this picture, but as they say, seeing is believing. Apparently, Mom found it at an estate sale of this elderly woman, Evelyn, who moved to Maine with her niece. I guess there aren't a lot of bowling alleys in Maine? Anyway, Mom said she thought I would like it because it was "hot pink"? Other than that...I can't quite figure out how this would be the "perfect" gift for me?
We did go bowling every Monday night in college. You had to bowl at least a 100 to be invited back. We were a little serious about the Monday Night Bowling Club. But, in all honesty, it had more to do with the price of the pitchers of beer and the food.
Since then, I have not really been an "avid" bowler.... Now, I guess, have no excuse - well, except for the fact that I don't have any bowling shoes. I hesitate to mention this, in case Mom happens to find a pair of those at the next estate sale.
As you might imagine, I have been thinking all day about random presents. The thought crossed my mind that it would be so cool to get a present every day during Christmas. You know, like the song - the Twelve Days of Christmas.
This year, Christmas Day has been a little different for our family. We had no where to be until this evening. You would think we would have slept in, but all three of us were up early to see what Santa had left.
Let's just say I was a little surprised to find a "used bowling ball" under the tree. You think I am kidding?
We did go bowling every Monday night in college. You had to bowl at least a 100 to be invited back. We were a little serious about the Monday Night Bowling Club. But, in all honesty, it had more to do with the price of the pitchers of beer and the food.
I have to admit that there are some pretty cool things about this gift. First, the ball is engraved with the name, Evelyn, and she left behind her handy dandy towel and some used Kleenex. One never knows when they will need used Kleenex or a towel.
Also, and perhaps most importantly, Evelyn left behind her notes titled "Improve Your Pin-Manship". 1) Stance - Find starting position on approach - hold ball waist high in front of left shoulder. 2) Four step approach - Left - Right - Left - Slide. 3) Armswing - Push Ball Toward 2nd arrow with 2nd step - allow armswing to continue back and thru at same speed. 4) Walk tall - chin up. (My personal favorite). 5) Follow through to target. Keep shoulders facing pins at all times. Practice.
I actually Googled how much it would cost to buy every thing in the song. To my slight surprise, you can't be surprised by much when you get a used bowling ball, there is actually a group that figures a Christmas Price Index every year. This index is based on how much it would cost to buy everything in the song. This year's Christmas Price Index is $24,263.18.
At the end of the day, I have to feel blessed. No, not because of the "hot pink" "used" "bowling ball". But because I did get my partridge in a pear tree - Jesus. Tis' the meaning for the Season, right? Gifts like these certainly are a reminder that what is under the tree is not what really matters - what matters is that Emmanuel has come! Rejoice!
p.s. GUESS WHO SENT ME A CHRISTMAS CARD THIS YEAR!!!!! I'll give you a hint - start saying the alphabet & stop before you get to "D"