Where I have been?

I have been on hiatus. I just have had so much going on lately, and I was not sure where to start in trying to write about it. My boss is leaving at work and we have been trying to do stuff for that transition. I have been trying to decide if I am going to move and where that might be. I am ready for a change. Everyone keeps saying "everything will work out in God's time" and "sit tight", but it isn't easy to be patient.

Oh, and Sidda has officially lived with me a year now. I can't really believe it. I know there are lots of people who would have said she wouldn't have lived a week. When I called Tim to tell him I got a kitten he said, "Katie, you are going to kill it!" - and he wasn't being funny. I called my friend Brooke and she said the exact same thing. Well, she added "you do realize cats live a long time. You are going to have this thing a long time."
Guess what happened? I am now officially an animal person. I have no clue how it happened but sometime in the last year it happened. In fact, last week I was talking with a friend about fishing and he said, "I like to fish but as I get older, the less I want to see things die." I get that now, but a year ago I probably wouldn't have.

When I first got Sidda, she was very small and would sleep all night in the bathroom. Every morning I would find her in my dirty clothes basket. Then she decided she didn't like sleeping in there and would throw herself against the door until I would let her out. I tried to let her sleep with me but it drove me crazy that she would wander around at night. Then we discovered that she loved to sleep on the balcony. My balcony is like another room and is enclosed on all sides except the front. The roof is such that it doesn't rain on the balcony - and I have carpet out there. It really feels like a room and she loves it. I find her at night waiting on me to let her out. I have food, water, and a liter box out there.

However, after her surgery she slept with me for about a month. I would wake up and find this on the other pillow.

A year ago, the thought of this would have creeped me out. I couldn't imagine an animal in my bed. However, I do bathe her, as much as I love her - she isn't living in this house without a bath. But Sidda is a reminder of how much you can change in a year and how life can change in a year, and that gives me hope amongst all the weariness I feel about my future....


Anna said…
katie b- the cat lover- who would've guessed it??!
Jenny said…
I love it! Is a puppy next? Or just a goldfish?
Anonymous said…
you disappeared again

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